Author Interview with Tara Hayes

Hey Worry Free Warriors!

Early in my journey a review of my first book, From Irrational to Rational: 15 Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety, was featured on Andreas Michaelides’ blog.

Recently Andreas reached out and I was given the opportunity to interview with him!

We are both very much into health and wellness. In fact, I read Andreas book, My weight loss journey: How I lost 44 pounds and never gained them back using a plant based diet. It was amazing how Andreas turned his pain/depression into power by changing his mindset and lifestyle.

I love connecting with people who are open and brave enough to share their stories to empower others. Sound familiar?

To see my interview with Andreas, CLICK HERE>>

If you have a story to tell, but you are afraid to share it like I was, there’s no need to be. All you need to do is start telling it! You’ll never know who needs to hear your voice.

If you are comfortable enough to share your story with me, I would love to hear it. CLICK HERE>>.

P.S Mentorship for Mental Wellth 


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Tara Martina Hayes is author of the free 22-page report, “Panic To Picnic: 15 Natural Alternatives for Anxiety Management”. Drop by for your free copy.