Calling All Introverts In Business

This week I will be participating in an IG live for Introverts in Business.  Why?  Because I’m an introvert, I’ve connected with other introverts in business, and I know there are lots of other introverts out there who are too afraid to start. 

How do I know this?  Because I was that introvert.  I went to school for accounting because my perception was sitting behind a cubicle all day crunching numbers, not having to talk to people.  That’s an ideal situation for an introvert, right?  But I was unfulfilled.

I also had limiting beliefs that I could never be successful or share my talents with the world due to my introverted nature.  This is 100% false.

Over this past year I’ve put myself out there in ways I could have NEVER imagined.  

I’ve written two books, mentored some worry free warrior queens, conducted FB lives, IG lives and danced on a Reels video! And I’m doing all of this while still being totally introvert.

If you are an introvert as well, I completely understand you and your fears.  YOU can move past this.  Don’t let fear or introversion stand in your way.

If you want to know how I am able to show up for myself and push past my introversion,  Follow my Social Story to watch my live.

Once the live is done, I will update this post!

Let’s all get out of our introverted comfort zones together! The rewards certainly outweigh the fear.

P.S Mentorship for Mental Wellth 

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Tara Martina Hayes is author of the free 22-page report, “Panic To Picnic: 15 Natural Alternatives for Anxiety Management”. Drop by for your free copy.