You’re invited! Listen to the Black Girl Can’t Cook Podcast

This past week I did a Black Girl Can’t Cook Podcast episode with free-spirited, down to earth Brihanna. We talked about everything from anxiety (of course) to cooking, learning how to love ourselves and our bodies.

I was very comfortable during the recording. I was comfortable to the point where I was just being myself. I use foul language from time to time and so far on my journey I’ve censored it . But during this episode, I didn’t care! I was authentically me and let the f bombs roll as they came! It was tasteful and fitting cursing, lol. Nothing too foul or dirty. It was really just like two friends talking and having a good time. I am so glad I was invited on the Black Girl Can’t Cook Podcast for these reasons:

Public Speaking Practice

Being an Author and Mental Health Mentor pushes you to speak in public. One of my biggest fears growing up was the fear of public speaking. Now, whenever I get a chance to speak in public, I go for it! My message is way bigger than my fears. It helps me to get out of my way and my comfort zone. Not only that, I get to work on my delivery for future speaking engagements.


Other than the Black Girl Can’t Cook Podcast, I’ve only been featured on one other podcast. So any opportunity I get to tell my story of how I overcame problems with panic reclaiming peace of mind, I’m there. This gives me a greater chance of my audience finding me and for me to make a great impact. This also helps the podcast for featuring such a phenomenal guest as myself, lol. I am inspired by Brihanna’s work and she’s inspired by mine. To meet new people who are so excited and inspired by my journey is an amazing feeling.

Build Authority

The more people see me showing up and speaking on podcasts or any other speaking event, the more likely it is that they will trust me and begin to see me as an authority in the mental health space. My goal is to inspire as many introverted/anxious entrepreneurial minded women as possible. I want them to overcome worry, fear, and anxiety to regain control of their lives while building a life of their desires. This is what I have done and what I’m currently doing. I also have to talk about my business. If I don’t talk about my business, then nobody else will. So any other opportunity I get to share who I am and what I do, I am taking it!

Love you all so much for reading. Don’t forget to FOLLOW MY SOCIAL STORY, where you can keep up with me and the next time I’ll be speaking.

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Tara Martina Hayes is author of the free 22-page report, “Panic To Picnic: 15 Natural Alternatives for Anxiety Management”. Drop by for your free copy.